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Ophthalmology Consulting

MedPro Consulting & Marketing Services assists group and solo ophthalmology practices throughout the United States.

I provide assistance on a variety of healthcare management issues regarding cost, value, practice acquisitions, mergers, and marketing. My services include:

  • Practice brokering
  • Practice valuations (for buyers or sellers)
  • Merger & acquisition analysis (for buyers or sellers)
  • New practice start-up assistance

I am one of the few consultants in the U.S. who focuses only on ophthalmology practices. I previously held the designation of Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA) with the National Association of Certified Valuation Analysts. The CVA certification allows my valuation reports to be used for Small Business Administration (SBA) loans. I voluntarily gave up the designation 12/23 rather than continue with the CE requirements under the assumption I will be retiring in 2025. That being said, I have done hundreds of ophthalmology practice valuations over the past 34 years.

Additionally, I have developed successful relationships with other well-respected consultants and agencies in order to provide my clients with a wide array of superior services.

I strive to offer practical, customized advice based on a clear understanding of each client’s circumstance. As the healthcare industry re-shapes itself, it makes only the best of sense to find a healthcare consultant in which you can have confidence.

Brad Ruden

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